Wie Elektrosmog unser Raumklima beeinflusst und was wir dagegen tun können

« These dangers exist »

Many different factors influence a healthy indoor climate. We often forget about the pollution caused by electrical devices in our environment. We reveal how electrosmog is created, what it does to us humans and how we can protect ourselves from it.

We spend at least two thirds of our lives indoors. The quality of the indoor climate therefore plays a crucial role not only in our well-being, but also in our health. Temperature, humidity, pollutants, smells – there are many factors that negatively affect the indoor climate. We often forget about electrosmog. With the technological advances of modern times, we are constantly surrounded by high-tech devices. We explain how electrosmog is created, what it does and how we can protect ourselves against it.

A definition

E-smog is the presence of electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic fields. Electrical fields are created when electricity is provided and distributed. This is already the case when an electrical device is plugged into a socket. If the current flows when the electrical device is in use, a magnetic field is generated. The stronger the current flow, the more massive the magnetic field.

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© bluedesign / Fotolia.com

Transmitters, such as those for radio, broadcasting or mobile communications, create an electromagnetic field over a larger area. Mobile communications and cell phones work with digital radiation that is not emitted continuously, but in short pulses.


Once dismissed as pure scaremongering, the effects of e-smog have been thoroughly investigated scientifically in recent years. Researchers have now shown that electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields do indeed affect the human body. But it is also clear that not everyone reacts to them in the same way.

Humidifier B 300 with UV disinfection using UV-C raysDepending on their predisposition, some people react extremely sensitively to the fields and waves, while others feel nothing at all. Of course, the intensity of the radiation also plays a role. The general current state of health, the immune system and genetic predisposition can determine how sensitive we react to electrical frequencies. For these reasons, it is not reliable to give a general explanation of the consequences of electrosmog. Electromagnetic fields and low-frequency magnetic fields are primarily classified as dangerous for health. This influence affects the function of the pineal gland – the organ that produces the sleep hormone melatonin. E-smog inhibits melatonin production, which could explain the observed sleep disorders.

humidifier-brune-b-120-evaporative-principle-living-rooms-office-humidor-cabinets-466x291x270-cmToday, mobile phone radiation is classified as harmless due to legally defined limits, at least in terms of its thermal danger. For example, hardly any mobile phone causes tissue overheating when making a call. It is the non-thermal effects that worry us: these include behavioral disorders, biochemical changes in the brain, changes in brain waves, genetic damage and an increased risk of cancer in the lymphatic system. General complaints such as sleep disorders, malaise, headaches, nervousness and tiredness are other unpleasant side effects of increased exposure to mobile phone radiation.

Effective measures

To reduce electrosmog in the home, one thing is particularly helpful: switch it off. We should only plug in and switch on devices we don’t need when we need them. Standby mode doesn’t protect against electrosmog either. So unplug the power cord, because that eliminates the electric field – and saves on electricity costs at the same time. It can be useful to use a shielded power strip that can be switched off. In principle, we should only use electrical devices that have a Schuko plug. These strong, large plugs limit the exposure to alternating electric fields.

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© sarasin / Fotolia.com

If a TV, microwave, hi-fi system, etc. are in use, we should keep a sufficient distance from these devices. As a rule of thumb, keep at least one meter away from cables and switched-on devices. Children in particular should be careful here. Particularly with thin walls, electrosmog can radiate from the next room. Cordless phones, which emit high-frequency electromagnetic fields, can be a major source of stress.

Since the conductivity of the air and its dust particles plays a key role, a humidity of around 55% is also recommended. Screens charge significantly less at this humidity than if the air is too dry, because dust particles are more likely to sink to the ground at this humidity. It also makes sense to regularly dust these devices.

Healthy indoor climate without electrosmog: How can we protect our children?

The children’s room serves as a feel-good zone for our little ones. Playing, sleeping, relaxing – nowhere else do our kids spend so much time so freely and at ease. That’s why we have to pay attention to a few small things in order to create an e-smog-free room climate. Electrical devices are taboo in the children’s room. If they are necessary, you should switch to battery-operated devices. Transformers for lamps or toys, such as the one for a model railway, are particularly unsuitable.

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© svetlana.ru / Fotolia.com

We should unplug all devices before going to sleep. Mobile phones should be banned from children’s rooms at night, and not just because of the radiation from mobile phones. Constant messages and constant availability also mean pure stress for our children.

It is advisable not to place the child’s bed near a power socket. There should also be no electrical devices on the other side of the wall. Fuse boxes, main power lines for the house or electric night storage heaters should be at least three metres away from the bed.

BRUNE air purifier Defensor PH15 including summer filter setWe should also not lay extension cables under the child’s bed. A bedside lamp is also not ideal if it is positioned directly next to the head. At the very least, it should be unplugged when sleeping. Dimmable night lights cause high alternating magnetic fields. Interesting detail: When it comes to electrosmog, the good old light bulb has a clear advantage over modern energy-saving lamps or fluorescent tubes.

Metal parts in the child’s bed have a negative effect. A bed base made of stainless steel or a spring mattress amplifies any electromagnetic field in the environment. For a healthy sleep, a bed base made of solid wood and mattresses made of natural materials would be preferable.

Healthy living in the age of progress

Electrosmog is created wherever electricity flows. In the home, in the car, at work – we cannot avoid coming into contact with it. Despite all the dangers, we must not forget that electrical devices make our lives so much easier – on the contrary, we can hardly imagine life without smartphones, TVs, computers and much more. Nevertheless, it is advisable not to ignore the issue of electrosmog.

digital-thermo-hygrometerOur children in particular will thank us if we take sensible measures to improve the indoor climate and reduce e-smog pollution. With little effort, we can significantly improve the general conditions. Humidifiers or air purifiers themselves cause little smog, but can increase the humidity by a decisive percentage when it comes to reducing the conductivity of the air. Nevertheless, nothing is more important than unplugging and keeping your distance.